
Route to the Grand Canyon

The trip to the Grand Canyon is a bit longer than our last trip to Yellowstone, just long enough that it would be uncomfortable for all of us to stretch it into a two day route.  So we'll be spending fewer hours in the truck each day, but we'll be adding a day to total three days driving to and from.

As we did on the Yellowstone trip, we'll be breaking the driving up a bit by staying a day at some additional destinations on the way out and on the way back.  We will be spending a day around Mesa Verde National Park in southwest Colorado and at Arches National Park on the way back.  We also have overnights in Omaha, Nebraska and Denver, Colorado on each trip.

According to our Garmin, the trip totals 3,814 Miles, here is how that breaks down by day.

Miles per Day

Wish us luck!  We are heading off to our first overnight bright (well maybe dark) and early in the morning.  We'll be posting here photos and stories of our adventure